Ten things you don’t know about the major Car Company

Car companies as famous as Toyota and Ford are widely known around the world. Many car manufacturers have made vehicles that have endeared themselves not only to their customers, but to an entire generation. With that in mind, lets look at these companies from a different angle, here are ten things you didn’t know about the major car companies.

1. John and Horace Dodge, future automakers themselves, were among the initial investors in the Ford Motor Company.

2. There are only four companies worldwide that are larger than General Motors: Wal-Mart, Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell, and BP.

3. The trucks manufactured for the Japanese military by Toyota had only one headlight which was mounted in the center of the hood.

4. The now famous Chrysler star logo, known as the Pentastar, first began to appear on their vehicles in 1963.

5. During World War II, the main manufacturing plant for the Nissan company was moved to Japanese captured land in China.

6. The first Volkswagen Beetle was designed by Ferdinand Porsche, the founder of auto maker Porsche.

7. Honda is not the largest auto maker in the world, but it is the largest maker of engines in the world.

8. When auto maker Dodge was sold for 146 million dollars in 1925 it was the largest cash transaction in history.

9. Auto maker Porsche was founded in 1931 but didn’t make its first car until 1939.

10. The Cadillac company is named for Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac, a 17th century French explorer who founded Detroit in 1701.

The major car manufacturers have gotten to be major corporations because they are doing something right. They surprise us and disappoint us every year with the new models that come out. What will they roll out for next year and what will their great accomplishments be? Only time will tell.

Source : http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=MAllen

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